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Michael still wants to be a farmer. A grape farmer. Specifically, a wine grape farmer and wine maker. To that end, he has been scouring internet listings for acreage suitable for that purpose. And last week, he thought he found something.
So on Saturday morning, quite at the last minute, we decided to drive up the coast to the very top of Santa Barbara County to look at twenty acres in the emerging Santa Maria wine country. Luckily, Hunter was able to spend the day with my sister. (Eight plus hours in the car would have been a circle of hell for us as well as for Hunter…) And we took Magnus with us.
A word about that kid… he really is the best baby ever. Handled the whole trip like a champ. Sleeping most of the day and still knocking out nine hours when we got home that night. But this is what he thinks about his Dad farming grapes:
Anyway. We got up to Santa Maria around three in the afternoon, met the realtor and proceeded to look around. The area is beautiful and temperate. Wide open land with rolling hills. But the property itself was less than ideal. Only about fourteen usable acres out of twenty; a large ditch cutting between two swales, one of which was too steep to plant. The adjacent property was also for sale, and, talk about not recognizing a piece of land from that which was presented on the internet… A good reminder for us in the “buyer beware” department.
So we hiked around the property a little, filled our shoes, socks, and jeans with foxtails, hopped in the car, and headed back home.
The search will continue…